
Afghan Civilian Casualty Data

It is impossible to know how many civilians have died in Afghanistan since this conflict began.

There are no records pre-2007, and the records that have been kept since then might not be accurate.

United Nations and the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) have both started to keep databases of civilian fatalities, but their efforts are hampered by lack of resources and insecurity. Therefore, it is probably fair to assume that any figures released are lower than the actual number.

The figures presented here relate to short periods of time compared to the 10 years of conflict suffered by the people of Afghanistan.

Afghan Police Casualty Data

Data as of April 2010
Strength: 102,995 (as of 29 Mar 10)
Currently in training: 7,116
Target Strength: 109,000 (by October 2010)
134,000 (by October 2011)

Primary ANP organizations include:
Afghan Uniformed Police: 81,842
Afghan Border Police: 14,494
Afghan National Civil Order Police: 3,964
Afghan Counter-Narcotics Police: 2,695

Afghan Army Casualty Data

Information as of September 2010

Founded in 2002, the ANA comprises 134,000 soldiers with a target strength of 172,000 by October 2011.

It costs over $2 billion a year to sustain the force. As it expands and takes on a greater role, the cost is likely to reach $3 billion or more a year.

The force consists of 160 units within 5 ground corps and 1 air corps.